Ebase Xi Samples


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See also: Introduction to Styling, Property Sets, Styling Assistants



This page contains documentation on the sample presentation templates shipped with the Ebase Xi distribution.

Sample Presentation Templates

The EBASE_THEMES presentation template in the ebaseSamples project contains six fully configured themes named theme_1, theme_2 etc, with theme_6 configured as the default. These themes are fairly conservative and are designed for general purpose use. They can be used as is or as a basis for creating additional customized presentation templates.


A number of additional presentation templates are also included in the distribution. Unlike the EBASE_THEMES template described above, these templates are not fully configured and represent a number of examples that show some of the presentation capabilities of the Ebase Xi system. The templates are ACALIA, CHARITY, CORPORATE, ELECTRONIX, NEWS, PUZZLED.

Demonstrating the templates

All the sample templates can be seen by running the themes gallery form SAMPLE_THEMES in the ebaseSamples project (path Presentation/TestForms/SAMPLE_THEMES). The form contains two tabs:


Styles View – Theme n

Demonstrates the six themes in the EBASE_THEMES template.


Sample Templates

Demonstrates the additional templates


Other Samples at ebasetech.com

The Ebase website www.ebasetech.com, has a Samples area within the Resource Centre which has a selection of downloadable forms which can be installed and run. Each download demonstrates how to achieve certain functionality using Ebase Xi.