Server Administration Application – Configuring Email Accounts

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Introduction. 1

Email Account Properties 1

Email Account 2

Authentication Properties 3

Debug Properties 3

Java Mail Properties 3


See also: Server Administration Application Home Page, Working with Email


Email accounts are created and maintained on the server using the Server Administration web application. They are saved in folder emailAccounts in the ebaseConf folder of the web application e.g. UfsServer/tomcat/webapps/ufs/ebaseConf/emailAccounts. These files can be copied between servers if required.


An email account represents a connection to a specific email server, optionally including an authenticating user name and password. Each Email Resource, which represents an email message, is then connected with an email account.





Email Account Properties


Email Account

Account Name

Email account name


An optional description


Specifies the hostname or IP address of the email server.


The email server port. If not specified, the default port depends on whether SSL is configured: the default port without SSL is 25, with SSL 465.

Use SSL over SMTP

Check this property to activate the use of SSL to encrypt all email messages.


In most cases there is no need to import a certificate. However, when the server’s certificate is "self-signed”, the server's certificate must then be imported into the Ebase server’s keystore file. Alternatively, property can be added to the Java Mail Properties section below with the email server host name e.g.

Use TLS over SMTP

TLS is an alternative to SSL that prevents an email message being “sniffed” during transmission.


In most cases there is no need to import a certificate. However, when the server’s certificate is "self-signed”, the server's certificate must then be imported into the Ebase server’s keystore file. Alternatively, property can be added to the Java Mail Properties section below with the email server host name e.g.


Authentication Properties

Email Server Username

Specifies the account name for the email server. This property is optional.

Email Server Password

Specifies the password for the email server. This property is optional.


Debug Properties

Debug Email Connections

When checked, additional debugging information about the connection is written to the server log.


Java Mail Properties

The properties that can be configured in the sections above are the email properties most commonly used, however any additional properties supported by the javamail API can also be configured by adding them in this section. The Ebase email implementation always uses the SMTP protocol so only properties pertaining to this protocol will be effective.