Web Accessibility - Support for Browsers without Javascript

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Activation of 'no Javascript' mode. 1

Browser with Javascript disabled. 1

Behavior differences with Javascript disabled. 2

1. Validation of user input 2

2. Display of popup windows 2

3. Hyperlinks 3

4. Field focus 3

5. Calendar 3

6. Immediate validation option. 3

7. Lists displayed as checkboxes 3


See also:  Web Accessibility Home


Activation of 'no Javascript' mode

Ebase Xi supports client browsers which do not support Javascript. This support is activated when the system detects that the client browser does not have Javascript enabled.


(See Accessibility options and attributes for more information)


Browser with Javascript disabled

When Ebase Xi detects a client browser system that does not support Javascript, the following message is displayed.


Both the message and the OK button are multi-lingual system texts and their content can be changed by edition system texts 387 and 388 respectively.  To avoid this prompt message being repeatedly displayed, the system remembers that Javascript is disabled for the duration of the session between the browser and the application server.


Behavior differences with Javascript disabled

When operating without Javascript, some system behavior is altered. These differences are listed below:

1. Validation of user input

All validation of user input normally performed using Javascript in the client browser is performed on the server when Javascript is disabled. This includes:



Any validation error messages are positioned immediately above the field in error and are displayed using the template attributes specified for error messages.  The server validation processes all fields on the page and will issue multiple error messages if necessary - this is in contrast to client validation which processes fields one at a time. The page below illustrates this and contains a number of validation errors:



The validation messages issued are multi-lingual system texts and can be customized as required by editing system texts 380 - 386 and 413. 

2. Display of popup windows

When Javascript is disabled, it is not possible to popup new browser windows. Instead, the new window is displayed in the original browser window replacing the Ebase Xi form window. This applies to popup windows relating to all of the following:



Where possible, Ebase Xi adds a return button to enable the user to return to the form window. However, when the popup window contains a document of a type other than HTML e.g. a PDF document, this is not possible, and the user must then press the browser back button to return to the form.


3. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are displayed as buttons when Javascript is disabled. Otherwise, their behavior is unchanged.


4. Field focus

When Javascript is enabled, Ebase Xi highlights both the current field and fields with error using the colors specified in the presentation template under section Focus options. In addition, the system attempts to always set focus to the next field to be completed each time a page is displayed.


When Javascript is disabled, it is not possible to set focus to an individual field and all focus functionality is disabled.


5. Calendar                                                                                                                                  

The popup calendar window to assist with entering of dates is not displayed when Javascript is disabled.


6. Immediate validation option

When Javascript is disabled, fields with immediate validation are displayed with an adjacent 'Go!' button as shown below.  When the user clicks on the button the immediate validation event fires.  The text in the 'Go!' button is system text 399 and can be customized and displayed in multiple languages.  In addition, the 'Go!' button can be displayed as an image. This option is set in the properties of Field Control.



7. Lists displayed as checkboxes

Displaying a list as a number of checkboxes is not possible with Javascript disabled. The system will automatically display any such field as radio buttons.