REST Web Service Resource Security

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Introduction. 1

Http Security. 1

Using Http Basic Authentication. 1

Using Http Digest Authentication. 1

Using Http NTLM Authentication. 2

OAuth Security. 2

Using OAuth Security. 2


See also: REST Overview, Working with Rest Web Service Resource, OAuth 2.0, Server Admin OAuth Configuration


Each endpoint within a REST web services resource supports:


1.      HTTP Basic Authentication and HTTP Digest Authentication – in accordance with RFC 2617

2.      NTLM Authentication in accordance with Microsoft authentication.

3.      OAuth Authentication


The security options described below are configured for a REST web services resource by selecting an endpoint, then clicking the * icon on the endpoint toolbar.

Http Security

Using Http Basic Authentication

Http Basic authorization is a HTTP/1.0 standard used by web servers to authenticate a client to allow access to particular web applications. Http basic authentication adds the username and password as a base 64 encoded string to the HTTP Header.


To configure HTTP Basic Authentication select the Http-Security tab within the REST Resource Security Configuration dialog. 



1)     Select Enable Http Authentication.

2)     Select the Authentication Type - Basic Authentication

3)     Enter the username.  This value supports substitutable field parameters. See substitutable parameters for more details.

4)     Enter the password.  This value supports substitutable field parameters. See substitutable parameters for more details.

5)     Confirm the password.

6)     Click OK button.


Using Http Digest Authentication

HTTP Digest Authentication is configured similarly to Http Basic Authentication. Follow the configuration steps as described in Using Http Basic Authentication but select Digest Authentication as the Authentication Type in step 2.

Using Http NTLM Authentication

NTLM (NT LAN Manager) is a Microsoft authentication protocol. NTLM authentication is configured in the same way as Http Basic Authentication except that the domain name is included as part of the username. The username must be entered as <domain-name>\<username>.


Follow the configuration steps as described in Using Http Basic Authentication but select Digest Authentication as the Authentication Type in step 2.


OAuth Security

OAuth configurations are created using the Server Administration Application. Once created, enter the config name as shown below.


It is possible to override the username, password and scope fields that are configured using the Server Administration Application. The username and password fields are only applicable when using Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant. The scope field is applicable when using Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant or Client Credentials Grant.

Using OAuth Security

To configure OAuth Authentication select the OAuth tab within the REST Resource Security Configuration dialog. 




1)     Select Enable OAuth Authentication

2)     Either enter the OAuth name as configured using the server administration application or click on the .. button and select the OAuth configuration from the list. To select from a list of configured OAuth configurations an Ebase server must be running.




3)     Select the authorization type: this is populated automatically from the OAuth Configuration on the server. Additional parameters can be configured when either Resource Owner Password Credentials or Client Credentials is selected as the authorization type. These parameters can be overridden dynamically at runtime by using variable substitution fields (e.g &&username):


Resource Owner Password Credentials


Enter a username, password and/or scope to override the corresponding value configured using the Server Administration Application.




Client Credentials


Enter a scope to override the corresponding value configured using the Server Administration Application.



4)     Click OK button.


Note: If there are no OAuth configurations on the server, then click the server hyperlink in the panel to launch the Server Administration Application and then select the OAuth Configurations menu item.