System Variables


System variables 2




























$JOB_ID. 5


























$USER. 9

$USERVAR1,2,3. 9










See also: FPL Command Syntax, FPL functions syntax




System variables

A number of system variables are maintained automatically by the system. These are all read only except where indicated otherwise.


System variables are accessed in FPL in the same way as form fields e.g.



if [ $COMMAND_STATUS != 'OK' ] ......


System variables are accessed from an API based language via system.variables e.g.


var fileName = system.variables.$FILE_NAME.value;



 Contains the details of any runtime failure. After an abort command, contains the abort reason.



Contains the name of the page at the time of a runtime failure or abort command. Will contain null if no current page exists e.g. when running a before or after form event.



When the browser back button has been clicked, contains the name of the current form prior to the user clicking the back button. Contains no value when the current page and the page returned to are within the same form. This variable is read only.



When the browser back button has been clicked, contains the name of the current page prior to the user clicking the back button. This variable is read only.



Contains 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether or not use of the browser back button is supported for the current form. This variable is read/write.



When the browser back button has been clicked, contains the name of the back button target page. This variable is read only.



Contains 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether or not the user has just clicked the browser back button. This variable is read only.



Contains value 'Y' if the form is processing in batch mode, or 'N' if the form is being processed online.



Contains the IP address of the requestor.



Contains the user-agent string from the HTTP header.



Returns either 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether the client browser is capable of supporting cookies.



Indicates whether the client browser is capable of supporting Javascript. Normally contains 'Y' or 'N'. Contains '?'' if there is no browser client e.g. executing in batch mode. See also variable $PRESENTATION_USE_JAVASCRIPT.



Indicates whether the client browser is capable of supporting stylesheets . Normally contains 'Y' or 'N'. Contains '?'' if there is no browser client e.g. executing in batch mode. Note that if the client browser does not support Javascript, this variable will be set to 'N' and stylesheets will not be used to render HTML output. See also variable $PRESENTATION_USE_STYLESHEETS.



Contains the status of the last FPL script command executed. Will contain 'OK' if the command executed successfully. See the individual commands for a list of the possible error statuses.



If the current event was triggered from a component and the currently executing script is a global script, this contains the component prefix. e.g. if component COMP1 is inserted into a form with prefix A_, the prefix will be A_COMP1__. Please note that $COMPONENT_PREFIX can only be used in a script. If it is referred to from other contexts e.g. as a substitutable variable in a text, a null value is returned.



The page name for the current page.



The name of the Database Connection to be used when dynamic databases have been specified. See using dynamic databases for more information.



The Ebase form session id that uniquely identifies this form context.  This is a numeric value that is unique within the http session context of the end user.


After a fetch or fetchtable command, this variable contains the number of retrieved records.



Contains the full path of a file created by the system e.g. when creating an XML file using write RESOURCE_NAME, when uploading files using the upload command, or generating PDF documents with the print or PDFPrint commands.



Contains the last portion of the name of an uploaded file. e.g. if a user has uploaded a file from C:\My Documents\my_cv.doc, this variable will contain my_cv.doc.



The name of the form.



After a fetch command or a dynamic list check, this variable contains Y or N to indicate whether a record was found.



Contains Y or N to indicate whether or not the Ebase HTML <form> tag is positioned to include all JSP and HTML panels. See the explanation of parameter Ufs.globalHtmlForm in for more information.


Contains the calling source that invoked the integration service. This is set to one of four values depending on the method of entry to invoke the integration service:


         Web – Integration service was invoked by an incoming request from a web based client.

         Designer –Integration service was invoked from the designer

         Form – Integration service was invoked from another form e.g call form MY_INTEGRATION_FORM

         Schedule – Integration service was invoked from a scheduled task.




This value must be set within FPL when using the Send Receive JMS Adapter (See Send Receive JMS Adapter for more information). This value is validated with the JMS collaboration id returned from JMS.



This value is set from the JMS Adapter (See JMS Adapter for more information). The value contains the unique JMS message id of a message sent, received or called synchronously.



Returns the unique workflow job id when referenced from a workflow system activity task or decision node. See also variable $WF_JOB_ID.



The language code for the user's session. This variable can be updated to dynamically change the runtime language e.g.  See Internationalization.


set $LANGUAGE = 'NL';



The page name for the next page.



This is set by the sequence command and contains the next number from the specified sequence. See sequence command.



Indicates whether Javascript is being used to render HTML pages. Normally contains 'Y' or 'N'. Contains '?'' if there is no browser client e.g. executing in batch mode. This variable can be used to dynamically enable and disable the use of Javascript. e.g.




Javascript can only be dynamically enabled if the client browser provides support for Javascript, otherwise the command is ignored. See also variable $BROWSER_SUPPORTS_JAVASCRIPT.



Use of this variable is deprecated starting from Version 4.0 and will always return a value of 'Y' 

Indicates whether style sheets are being used to render HTML pages. Normally contains 'Y' or 'N'. Contains '?'' if there is no browser client e.g. executing in batch mode. This variable can be used to dynamically enable and disable the use of style sheets. e.g.




Dynamically enabling style sheets will always result in the use of style sheets in generated HTML regardless of the setting of $BROWSER_SUPPORTS_STYLESHEETS. See also variable $BROWSER_SUPPORTS_STYLESHEETS.



Indicates whether the system will display 'popup' windows as new windows or in the original form window. Normally contains 'Y' or 'N'. Contains '?'' if there is no browser client e.g. executing in batch mode. This variable can be used to dynamically enable and disable the use of popup windows. e.g.




(See server property Do Not Popup New Windows for more information)



Use of this variable is deprecated starting from Version 4.0 and will always return a value of 'Y'

Indicates whether the colors specified in the presentation template are displayed. When set to 'N', pages are displayed in black and white. This variable normally contains 'Y' or 'N'. It can contain '?'' if there is no browser client e.g. executing in batch mode. This variable can be used to dynamically enable and disable the use of color. e.g.





Use of this variable is deprecated starting from Version 4.0 and will always return a value of 0.  

Contains an integer that specifies how many times the font sizes specified in the presentation template should be incremented. This provides the ability to dynamically increase and decrease the size of all displayed texts. Setting this value to 0 resets sizes to the presentation template values.





The page name for the previous page.



The name of the project containing the form.



Contains Y or N to indicate that the user has clicked the Delete checkbox for the current row of the table being processed.



Contains Y or N to indicate that the current row of the table being processed is empty.



Contains Y or N to indicate that the current row of the table being processed has been inserted by the user using the Add row button or using the FPL insertrow command. 


Contains Y or N to indicate that the user has clicked the Select checkbox for the current row of the table being processed. 



This system variable contains Y or N to indicate whether the user has previously saved a form, and therefore a restore is possible. This can be used to change the system's default behaviour regarding the appearance of the Save and Restore buttons.



The session id supplied by the application server for the current end-user session. This can contain a mixture of characters and numbers and will be a unique value within the current execution of the application server.



The current day's date. This should only be used in conjunction with Ebase form fields of type DATE. If used with a character field, the julian date will be displayed. For example:

             set DATE_FIELD_1 = $SYSTEM_DATE;



The current day's date and time to second accuracy. This should only be used in conjunction with Ebase form fields of type DATETIME. For example:




Contains the system name as defined server property System Name. This variable is read only.



Use of this variable is deprecated starting from Version 5.0 and will always return a value of 'Y'

Indicates the setting of the global Javascript flag, Contains 'Y' or 'N'.  


Indicates the setting of the global window popup flag, Contains 'Y' or 'N'. (See server property Do Not Popup New Windows).


Use of this variable is deprecated starting from Version 4.0 .

Indicates the setting of the global color button flag, Contains 'Y' or 'N'.  


Use of this variable is deprecated starting from Version 4.0.

Indicates the setting of the global zoom button flag, Contains 'Y' or 'N'. 



The current time as a string value in the format hh:mm. This can be assigned to form fields of type TIME or CHAR. For example:




For computations involving time, use $SYSTEM_TIME_NOW. 



The current time as an integer value representing the number of seconds since midnight. If assigned to a character or integer field, the integer value will be displayed. This system variable is intended to be used for time calculations. For example:


             set TIME_FIELD_1 = $SYSTEM_TIME_NOW + (60 *60);                 // current time + 1 hour


where TIME_FIELD_1 is a field of type TIME.



Contains the end user’s userid. This field contains a value if user authentication is provided by either the application server or an Ebase logon exit. (See Security for more information)



These three variables are written as hidden fields on all Ebase form pages. They provide an opportunity for user written Javascript to set field values and to receive and process these values in a FPL script. For example, an HTML or JSP panel might contain a button that sets $USERVAR1 using Javascript and then submits the Ebase form. An event field could then be placed at the top of each page with a validation event script that checks for a value in $USERVAR1.


See Panel form interaction for more details on this technique and supported Javascript functions.



Contains a Version 4 format URL that can be used to invoke the form. This contains the entire URL up to and including ufsmain, but omitting any passed parameters. e.g. http://localhost:8080/ufs/ufsmain 



Contains the URL to return to Ebase after a CALL URL command. This is the full URL of the ufsreturn servlet. e.g.


call URL '' + $UFS_RETURN_URL;



Contains the hostname of the Ebase Server.



After a delete, insert, update or updatetable command, this variable contains the number of updated records.



This value is from an incoming integration request. It contains the name of the operation invoked from integration web service call. The operation name is bound to an Integration Adapter within an Integration Resource (See Integration Server for more information).



Contains the unique workflow job id when a new workflow job is opened with the workflow open job or workflow start job commands. Use variable $JOB_ID to obtain a job id from a node within an executing job.

See form workflow facilities for more information.



Contains the unique workflow task id when the form is workflow’ed. (See form workflow facilities for more information).