Creating and maintaining XML and Web Services Resources

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The following documentation is available for XML and SOAP Web Service resources:




This page explains how to use the designer to create and maintain XML Resources and SOAP Web Service Resources.




Schema (advanced)

Namespaces (advanced)

Tables and fields

Importing from an XML schema

Importing from a WSDL


This documentation applies to both XML Resources and SOAP Web Services Resources. The term XML Resource used below applies to either an XML Resource or a SOAP Web Services Resource.




The documents view shows the structure of all documents in an XML resource.  In the documents view, new documents can be added or deleted and their XML structures can be modified.  To access the documents view, click on the documents icon in the XML resource navigation tree.



Four different icons are used in the document structure view:

 - A single document.  The structure of the document is shown under this tree node.

 - A single or optional XML element node.

 - An XML attribute node.

 - Repeating XML element nodes.


In the document view, you can define complete XML structures.  It is also possible to reference elements or types from the user schemas.  The referenced schema fragments cannot be edited in the documents view and are show greyed out.


Ebase resource fields (fields, tables or columns) can be 'attached' to locations in the document structures.  Each attached field is shown alongside its XML node in blue text.


For example, in the above screenshot, this XML resource contains three documents: Request, Response and Fault.  The document called Request contains only a single element (getFlights).  The document called Response contains a more complex structure, containing multiple flight elements, each with multiple Passenger elements.  The document called Fault references an element defined in the user schema.  It is actually the Fault element defined in the SOAP schema,  Ebase resource fields have been attached to various nodes in the Response document and to 'faultstring' in the Fault document.




To add a new document - Click the add toolbar icon  and select 'Add document' from the drop down menu.

To rename a document - Select the document and click the rename toolbar icon . Enter a new name in the document name dialog box.

To delete a document - Select the document and click the delete toolbar icon .



XML nodes

To add a new XML node - Select the parent XML node of the new node.   Click the add toolbar icon  and select 'Add node' from the drop down menu.  The new node will be selected and its properties can be edited in the XML node properties panel.

To reference an element defined in the user schema – Select the parent XML node of the new node.  Click the add toolbar icon  and select 'Add node from schema' from the drop down menu.  At this point a dialog appears showing all available elements in the user schema.  Select the required element and click OK. 

To delete an XML node - Select the node and click the delete toolbar icon .  This node, all of its sub structure and attached fields will be deleted.

To rearrange sibling nodes – Use the move down  and move up  buttons to change the order of adjacent XML nodes.  Attributes will always appear before elements.


The location of XML nodes can also be changed using drag and drop functionality.



XML Node properties panel

The XML Node properties panel shows the properties of the selected XML node.  All properties are editable, unless the node is from a referenced schema.


Node name - local name of the selected node.

Namespace - namespace of the selected node.

XML Type - The drop down lists some or the common XML types.  Alternatively, the type can be selected from a full list of available types, by clicking the browse icon.   Choose either a built in XML type, or a type from the user schemas.

Node Type - select either element or attribute.


Optional: The element may or may not be present in a valid XML instance document.

Once:  The element must occur exactly once for the XML document to be valid. 

Repeats: The element may occur any number of times in the XML instance document.  This type implies a table in an Ebase form.





Attached Resource Fields

See table & fields for more information about fields.


To attach a new field – Select an XML node to identify the location of the new field.  Click the attach button and select 'Attach Field' from the drop down menu.  The new field is shown in blue text.  The name and type of the new field will be based on the selected XML node.  Fields are normally attached to nodes that been have set with an XML type.


To attach a new table – Select an XML node to identify the location of the new table.  Click the attach button and select 'Attach Table' from the drop down menu.  The new table resource field is shown in blue text.  Tables are normally attached to repeating  elements.  The name of the table will be based on the selected XML node.


To attach a new column – New columns can only be added if a table has already been defined.  Select an XML node to identify the location of the new column field.  Next, choose a table to add the column to.  Columns are often attached to child nodes of a table node.


To automatically attach fields, table and columns to an entire XML structure fragment.   Select the top/parent XML node.   Click the attach button and select 'Auto attach all' from the drop down menu.   Fields, tables and columns will be automatically added to the selected node and all of its sub structure.   A resource field is created for each XML node that can accept values not nested inside a repeating XML element.  A table is created for each repeating XML element.  A column is created for each nested non-repeating node that can hold a value.


The source field property source field has no value is set depending on the 'Occurs' property option of the XML node:







To view or display the properties of an adapter, select the adapter in the XML resource navigation pane.  Each adapter type has a different user interface.  See XML Resource Adapters for details on the available adapters.


Adapters may be deleted or renamed by selecting the appropriate adapter and clicking the delete icon  or rename icon  from the toolbar.


To add a new adapter: 

1.       Click the add toolbar icon  and select ‘Add Adapter' from the drop down menu.

2.       Type in a unique name for the new adapter, or leave the name blank to add a default adapter.

3.       Select the type of adapter you want and click OK.

4.       Edit the adapter properties.  (See XML Resource Adapters for details on a specific adapter's properties)




Schemas are normally added to the resource using the XSD and WSDL import facility.   However, it is also possible to add, delete, rename, or modify schemas by hand.



Existing schemas are listed beneath the schema item.  Selecting an individual schema will display the XML schema text for that schema in the right hand pane.  The schema text can be edited.


Schemas can be deleted or renamed by selecting the appropriate schema and clicking the delete icon  or rename icon  from the toolbar.


To add a new schema: 

1.    Click the add toolbar icon and select ‘Add Schema’ from the drop down menu.

2.    When prompted, provide a unique name for your schema. 

3.    Use the editor to enter your schema text.   Alternatively load the text from a file using the browse button.

To add a new built-in schema:

1.    Click the add toolbar icon and select ‘add built-in schema’ from the drop down menu. 

2.    Select the required built-in schema.





In the namespace view, it is possible to edit the namespace prefixes used in source field XPath expressions.


Caution: If a namespace is altered or deleted, any XPath expression relying on that prefix could stop working.  It is generally better to leave existing namespace information.  New prefixes can be declared for existing namespace URIs.


To display the namespaces view, select the namespaces item in the XML resource navigation pane.



This page lists all namespace prefixes and their associated namespace URIs.   The prefix and URI can be edited in the grid


To add a new namespace – click the add button.  The prefix and namespace URI can be edited in place.

To delete one of the namespaces, select the namespace row to delete and click the delete button.




Tables & Fields


The resource fields panel lists all resource fields, tables and columns.  In the resource fields panel, resource fields can be added, removed and renamed.  The properties of each resource field are shown when it is selected in this panel.



A field, column or table may be renamed or deleted by selecting it and clicking the delete icon  or rename icon  from the toolbar.


To add a new field

1.     Click the add toolbar icon and select ‘Add Field' from the drop down menu.

2.     Type in a unique name for the new field.


To add a new table

1.     Click the add toolbar icon and select ‘Add Table' from the drop down menu.

2.     Type in a unique name for the new table.


To add a new column:

1.     Select the table to which a column is to be added.

2.     Click the add toolbar icon and select ‘Add Column' from the drop down menu.

3.     Type in a unique name for the new column.


Fields, tables and columns cannot share names.


Select a field, table or column to display its details in the resource field properties view.



Document – the name of the document that this field is bound to.  A field may also be set as unbound.  If this is the case, the field will not be used to read or write information to XML.  This is often useful when the field is used as an input variable.

XPath – The XPath query used to bind this field to a location within the XML document.

Attached to XML Node – When this option has been selected, this field will be visible in the document structure view.  Attached resource fields are shown (in blue) next to their owner XML node.  Attached resource fields remain attached to their owner XML node, regardless of document structure changes.  If the location of the XML node changes, its XPath will be automatically modified.  If this option is unchecked, then the field will not appear in the document structure view, and the user is responsible for maintaining a valid XPath statement.

Read only – If selected, this field will only take part in fetch operations.  This is often useful when used with complex XPath queries.

Source Field has no value – Determines how the XML node is written to the XML document if the source field has no value:

·         Omit element – The element or attribute is removed from the XML document if the source field has no value

·         Write empty element – An empty element is written to the XML document if the source field has no value e.g <Street/>

·         Set element attribute: nil='true' – An empty element is written to the XML document containing the attribute nil='true' e.g <Street xsi:nil='true'/>

Note:  for attributes, the last two options - write empty element and set element attribute: nil='true' result in an empty attribute e.g. street=""

Mandatory Field – If selected, this sets the corresponding mapped form field to mandatory.

Value Type – The field may be given a type from the XML schema.  This has no effect on generated XML, but is used when the resource is imported into a form.   The importer will determine the Ebase field type based on the schema type.   It will also attempt to add a suitable field validator to the field (e.g. Maximum Length).




Importing from an XML schema


Many of the XML resource adapters support importing an XML schema.  Select the appropriate adapter then click the import icon  on the adapter panel toolbar to start the import wizard.


Note: Currently, importing an XML schema clears out all existing resource settings.  If more than one XML schema is needed, they will have to be added manually as described above.


Enter the URL or file path of the XML schema.  It is also possible to import from an XML file.  In this case, the XML file is inspected to infer an appropriate XML structure.


Click 'Next' to load the schema and move to the next page.




Each adapter has it's own set of required documents.  For each document, the following page is shown.



The list contains all elements specified in the XML schema.  Select one of the elements for the document.  Click 'Next' to move to the next page.



In the final page, select import all fields to automatically generate suitable Ebase resource fields (recommended)




Click 'Finish' to finish the wizard and create all resource settings.


The following information will be added to the resource:


The XML Schema text and its imports - Imports may be modified (see Schema)

Documents -  All documents required by the adapter, each one linked to the specified schema type.

Fields – A field is created for each XML node that can accept values not nested inside a repeating XML element.

Table – A table is created for each repeating XML element.  A column is created for each nested non-repeating node that can hold a value.



Importing from a WSDL


The web service adapter is best set up using the WSDL importer. Select the appropriate web service adapter then click the import icon  on the adapter panel toolbar to start the import wizard.


Enter the URL or file path of the WSDL.  Click 'Next' to load the WSDL and move to the next page.




The next page lists all available operations in the web service.  The right hand panels displays an example of what the outbound and inbound SOAP message body may look like.  Select the required operation and click 'Next'.





In the final page, select import all fields to automatically generate suitable Ebase resource fields (recommended)




Click 'Finish' to finish the wizard and create all resource settings.


The following information will be added to the resource:


The XML schema types – The XML schema is extracted from the WSDL. Imports may be modified (see Schema)

Documents -  Request, Response and Fault documents are created, each one linked to the schema type specified in the WSDL.

Fields – A field is created for each XML node that can accept values not nested inside a repeating XML element.

Table – A table is created for each repeating XML element.  A column is created for each nested non-repeating node that can hold a value.



Note: Importing from an XSD or WSDL and selecting the 'Import All Fields' option makes an attempt to set the source field property value 'source field has no value' based on the schema element as follows:



Example XSD complex type:


<xsd:complexType name="PersonType">


      <xsd:element name="firstName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>

      <xsd:element name="lastName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"/>

      <xsd:element name="hobbies" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/>


   <xsd:attribute name="personRef" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"/>




See table and fields for more information on source field properties