Form Toolbar


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See also: Form Properties



The following form-level functions are available from the form toolbar located at the top of the Form Editor. Most functions are also available from the Form menu item at the top of the page.


Save (Ctrl S)

Saves the form. This icon is blue when the form has been changed but not yet saved, and grey when no changes exist.


Form properties (Ctrl Shift P)

Displays the form properties.


Run (Ctrl R)

Runs the form. If the form has parameters, or if option Display options panel when launching forms is selected in the designer preferences, the run form dialog is displayed. This dialog supports:

·         Setting values for parameters (form fields configured as URL parameters)

·         Selecting language

·         Selecting browser


Maintain texts

Displays the texts maintenance dialog, where all form texts and messages can be maintained. This dialog supports the simultaneous display of texts in multiple languages and is useful when adding texts for a new language.



Displays a list of those fields which can be passed to the form as URL parameters when it is invoked. To designate a field as a parameter, select the URL parameter option in the field properties for the field. Note that LANGUAGE can always be passed and does not need to be explicitly specified as a parameter.


Form metadata

Displays the form metadata panel. This supports the addition of metadata to the HTML <head> section of rendered output.



Allows documentation to be maintained for the form or component.



Created and last updated information.




Help (F1)

Displays the help documentation for working with forms.


Manage Layout

Gives access to the docking and frame management functions



See undo/redo.

Close (Ctrl F4)

Closes the form editor panel





Show Print Form Design

This item is only available from the Form menu item at the top of the page. It is a toggle switch that provides access to the Legacy Print Form Designer. Click once to show the Print Form Designer, click again to return to the Web Form Designer.