Field Resource Mappings

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See also: Resources View, How Resources Work, Summary of Supplied Resources        



The Field Resource Mappings dialog allows you to maintain the mappings between the form fields and the resource fields for all resources contained in the Resources View of the form, component, integration service or workflow process. When a script statement is executed to read or write data to or from a resource e.g. fetch(), update(), sendmail(), fetchTable(), updateTable() etc, the system will automatically transfer data between the form fields and the resource fields for all mapped fields.


This dialog allows you to manually map individual form fields or table columns to resource fields. These mappings can also be created for you automatically by the system in the following circumstances:






Resource Info Panel

This panel is shown at the top of the screen and includes the following fields:



The name for the resource. This is the name used in all script statements that refer to this resource.


The path to the resource from the route of the project


The type of resource


Description taken from the resource


Component Info Panel

This panel is only shown when the resource is part of a component.



The path to the component from the route of its project


The project containing the component


The prefix used to insert the component



Mapping Panel


Resource field:

The name of the resource field

Mapped to form field:

The name of the form field or table column to which this resource field is mapped. Click on the name to display a dropdown list of all fields within the form. Select 'None' to indicate that there is no mapping.

Resource field description:

The description of the resource field - copied from the resource definition



The Auto-map button can be used to automatically create mappings for like-named form fields/resource fields. The auto-map feature will only create a mapping if there isn't one already for that resource field.


The Auto-map prefix can be used with the auto-map button to create mappings to form fields and table columns with a given prefix. For example, entering a prefix such as C1_ will create mappings to form fields C1_ADDRESS, C1_AREA_CODE, etc, from resource fields ADDRESS, AREA_CODE, etc.


However, if the selected resource is assigned to a table on the form, then the Auto-map prefix is ignored and the form's table prefix is automatically used instead.  If this resource contains both table(s) and field(s) the auto-map button will only map the fields for the first table prefix it finds.  Non-table fields will not be mapped.


The Remove all mappings for resource button removes all mappings for the resource currently selected. The Mapped to form field values are replaced with None.