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read() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.MqResource
Reads a message from the MQSeries queue identified by the MQ resource and populates mapped form fields.
read() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.XmlResource
Issues a read request to the default adapter of the XML Resource.
read(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.XmlResource
Issues a read request to the adapter specified by adapterName on the XML Resource.
readBasicAuthenticationCredentials() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.RESTfulService
Returns the UserCredentials from the HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
readFile(String) - Static method in class com.ebasetech.xi.services.FileServices
Returns a String value representing the contents of the file specified by file path.
readFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.ebasetech.xi.services.FileServices
Returns a String value representing the contents of the file specified by file path decoded using the specified encoding.
reexecute(WorkflowManagement.FallibleEnactmentDescriptor, String, String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.workflow.WorkflowManagement
Re-execute a previously failed node enactment.
reexecute(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.workflow.WorkflowManagement
Re-execute a previously failed node enactment.
refresh() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.Control
Refreshes this control in the user's browser when the page is next displayed.
reinstateProcess(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.workflow.WorkflowManagement
From V5.0 this method takes no action and is treated as a no-op
remove(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.CustomList
Removes the list entry with a display value of displayValue from the custom list.
removeFormSessionAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.FormSession
Removes the form session attribute named by attributeName.
removeResponseHeader(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.RESTfulService
Removes a response header by name Further documentation.
removeSnapshot(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.SnapshotManager
Removes the snapshot from the server store.
reOpenTaskAndGotoForm(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Workflow
Terminates execution of the current form, re-opens an interactive task and starts the Ebase form associated with the task.
RepeatingStyleProperties - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
The RepeatingStyleProperties represents styling properties shared by both a Repeater Control and a Repeater Row Control.
RepeatingTableControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
A Repeater Control provides a flexible way of displaying data from a table.
RepeatingTableRowControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
A Repeater Row Control represents a single table row within a Repeater Control.
replaceTable(Table) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Table
Removes all existing rows and copies rows from the table specified by fromTable.
requestFocus() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.Control
Sets the browser focus to the control.
resetTable() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Table
Removes all rows from the table and resets the current row (see Table.getCurrentRow()).
Resource - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api
The Resource interface is the base interface for all external resources.
Resources - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api
The Resources interface acts as a parent object for all resources within the Business View associated with a form, integration service or workflow process.
RESTfulService - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api
RESTfulWebService - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api
The RESTfulWebService interface represents an RESTful Web Service.
RestoreButtonControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
A Restore Button Control represents the restore button for the Save/Restore Feature.
restoreSnapshot(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.SnapshotManager
Restores the state of all forms to the specified snapshot.
RestResource - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api
RestResponse - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.services
RestResponse contains the following response information following a RestServices call: HTTP Code - HTTP Response code return from the RestServices call Response Headers - All the HTTP response headers as key-->value String pairs Body - A String representation of the response body Contains the following methods: RestResponse.getCode() RestResponse.getHeaders() RestResponse.getBody() RestResponse.isSuccess() RestServices
RestServices - Class in com.ebasetech.xi.services
RestServices provides static methods that provide methods to access REST services.
RestServices() - Constructor for class com.ebasetech.xi.services.RestServices
returnFromForm() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.WebForm
Returns from a called form to the calling form.
rollbackAndRestartTransaction() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.TransactionManager
Rolls back the current transaction and starts a new transaction.
ROYALMAIL - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.BarcodeControl
A constant to represent a Royal Mail barcode for use with setType() method.
runBackgroundForm(String, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class com.ebasetech.xi.services.SchedulerServices
Runs the specified form immediately in background executing the before form and after form events.