Starting, Stopping, Configuring the Designer


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Prerequisites 1

Starting the Designer 1

Windows 1

Linux/Unix/Mac. 1

Stopping the Designer 1

Configuring the Designer 1

Set the maximum memory and other Java parameters 1

Setting designer preferences 2

Default colors and fonts 2

Additional configuration files 2

Log Files 2

Designer File Structure. 2


See also:   Introduction to the Ebase Xi Designer, Designer Preferences       




The minimum Java level to run the Ebase Xi Designer is 1.7.0. A Java runtime environment is included with the distribution so this pre-requisite only applies if you want to override this and use your own Java version.



Starting the Designer


Run the designer.exe file in folder UfsClient.


An alternative is to run the start_ebase_designer.bat file in folder UfsClient.



Run the script in UfsClient.



Stopping the Designer

Click the x in the top right-hand corner of the designer window or select File > Exit from the menu.



Configuring the Designer

Set the maximum memory and other Java parameters

If the designer is started using designer.exe, all Java options are configured in file designer.vmoptions (the maximum memory is configured using the –Xmx parameter). Otherwise, Java options are configured in file start_ebase_designer_bat (Windows) or (other operating systems) – maximum memory is configured using the –Xmx parameter. 


Setting designer preferences

These preferences are configured using File > Preferences within the designer. These preferences are saved in file .Ebase/designer/properties/ within the user’s home directory. This file can be edited directly if required; if the file is deleted, all preferences revert to their default values in file UfsClient/properties/


Default colors and fonts

The default colors and fonts can be configured by editing file UfsClient/preferences/installation_preferences.xml. Click here for more details.


Additional configuration files

The docking configurations used by the designer are saved in a number of *.layout files in .Ebase/designer. These files cannot be edited, but if they are deleted, the corresponding layouts will be reset to their defaults when the designer is restarted.


FPL functions are defined in file UfsClient/properties/userFunctions.xml – this file is used in the designer to syntax check FPL scripts and to provide a dropdown list of available functions. A file of the same name also exists on the server in the <webapp>/ebaseConf folder and this file is editable using the Server Administration Application e.g. new functions can be added. If necessary, this file can be copied from the server to the designer.


Log Files

The designer log file is in the UfsClient/logs folder. When the integrated server option is used, the server log files are in the UfsClient/IntegratedServer/logs folder.


Designer File Structure

Ebase Xi Designer consists of a single folder UfsClient with the following structure:



designer.exe                               start designer under Windows

designer.vmoptions                       Java options when using designer.exe

start_ebase_designer.bat              alternative bat file to start designer under Windows                shell file to start designer under Linux, Unix or Mac



contains images


            contains Java runtime


contains jar files


          contains designer log file


contains default preferences and logging configuration files


          contains the Integrated Server file system



Integrated Server

The Integrated Server uses an embedded Tomcat system. The root of the file system is UfsClient/IntegratedServer:


See also Server Configuration.



          ebasetest.xml                    the context file for the testing web application, any database resources configured at application server level should be added to this file (regardless of the name configured for the testing web app)


          contains the Apache Derby runtime database used by the Ebase Xi server                                             


          contains all web resource files needed for the testing web application (regardless of the name configured for the testing web app)


            contains the web service used by the Web Services Tutorial


          default folder for uploaded files


          default folder for generated PDF files


          contains jar files for the server. Any JDBC drivers should be added to this folder.


          contains log files for the Integrated Server


            default folder for Velocity template files


          Tomcat work folder