Introduction to Using the Ebase Xi Designer

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See also: Starting, Stopping, Configuring the Designer, Introduction To Ebase Xi, Introduction to Designing Forms, Designer Tree,


Introduction. 1

Designer Layout 1

Dockable Panels 2


You use the Ebase Xi Designer to create and edit all the things – called entities – which comprise your application(s). These entities are all created and saved in a workspace and the designer tree shows you all the entities and any other files that exist within the workspace.


There are three main types of entity and these are distinguished from all the other types in that they can be executed or requested in some way by an external user or program:





The remaining entities e.g. scripts, resources, lists, images, templates, style sheets etc, all perform specific functions or provide services to these three main types; for example all programming is contained within scripts and these scripts are linked to events within the main types. Click here for a summary of all entity types that you can create.

Designer Layout

This is shown in the diagram below: 




Click on the links below for details of each area:



Main Menu

Open Items Toolbar

Shared Toolbar

Additional Panels


The Functional Area can contain any number of open entity editors. Each time you double click or create an entity the editor corresponding to the entity is opened.


Dockable Panels

All the panels shown above with the exception of the Functional Area can be dragged to a different location or individually floated. The layout is automatically saved when the designer is closed and loaded when it’s re-opened. The Form Editor is the most complex entity editor and it has its own docking configuration containing all the various form editor panels. Click here for more info on dockable panels.