Shared Toolbar

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See also: Designer Main Menu, Introduction to the Designer, Designer Tree, Designer Preferences



The Shared Toolbar is displayed to the right of the Open Items Toolbar at the top of the designer window.




Shared Toolbar

Repeat last deploy action

Repeats the most recent deployment action. Hover the mouse over this icon to get a summary of the deployment.


Deployment history

Shows a list of the most recent deployments. Select an item from the list to repeat the deployment. See Deployment Wizard for details.


Manage Server Menu

Only one of these two icons is shown

* Test server is running

* Test server is not running


Clicking on the icon displays a dropdown menu with the following functions. The functions available depend on whether the test server is the Integrated Server built into the designer or an external server – this option is configured in Designer Preferences.


·         Start Integrated Test Server: only available for the Integrated Server

·         Stop Integrated Test Server: only available for the Integrated Server

·         Restart Integrated Test Server: only available for the Integrated Server. Stops and restarts the server.

·         Show Server Log (Ctrl Shift L): only available for the Integrated Server. Shows the application server log.

·         Start Server Admin App (Ctrl Shift A): Starts the Server Administration Application in the browser  


Backwards icon

Clicking this icon navigates backwards through the stack of open entity editors


Backwards history

Shows a list of available entity editors in the backwards history stack

Forwards icon

Clicking this icon navigates forwards through the stack of open entity editors


Forwards history

Shows a list of available entity editors in the forwards history stack